
Text that is highlighted for emphasis or to show that it was added or removed.


To highlight an element, add the class highlight.

This text is highlighted.
HTML Copied!
<mark class="highlight">This text is highlighted.</mark>


To highlight text that was added to, or removed from, a document, add the classes highlight and either added or removed.

We finish each other's sandwiches sentences .
HTML Copied!
We finish each other's
<del class="highlight removed">sandwiches</del>
<ins class="highlight added">sentences</ins>

Target Text

If the URL of the current page includes a text fragment, the target text will automatically have styling applied. To simulate this style on other text, add the classes highlight and target.

This text is styled like the target of a text fragment.
HTML Copied!
<mark class="highlight target"
  >This text is styled like the target of a text